Size + Availability
Am I able to pre-order a product before it's released?
Unfortunately, Mossy Oak does not offer the ability to pre-order a new product. As soon as items are available, either in our warehouse, stores, or via special order, they will be listed on the product page. We suggest bookmarking the page to check back periodically. -
Can I pre-order something not listed on your website?
Unfortunately, if an item is not on our site we cannot have it special ordered for you. We are constantly updating our inventory with new and amazing items. We recommend checking back periodically to see if we have your desired item in stock! -
If an item is out of stock when will you get more?
Sadly, we do not have any information about future stock of items. You can sign up for the Notify Me When Available function to be updated as we get this item back in stock. Simply select the product option you're wanting and click the "Notify Me When Available" button on the product page. -
Where can I find a size guide for a particular item?
The size charts for each item is located on the product listing under the description. -
Where can I find more information on the specific measurements of an item?
Measurements for a specific item can be found under the size guide of the item or in the product description. If that information is not found on the website you can contact our customer service for more information.